Zero G Helmet Liner Kit

UPC 498798683251
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Looking for the ultimate in comfort and protection for your combat helmet? Look no further than the Zero G Deluxe Retrofit Combat Liner. Originally developed for USSOCOM, this liner exceeds all other suspension systems on the market for both blunt impact and ballistic protection, according to independent and DoD lab testing. But what truly sets it apart is its comfort level. Made of rate and temperature sensitive material, the Zero G pads conform to your unique head shape for unparalleled fit and stability. With its independent pad design, this liner offers complete customization and compatibility with other head-borne mission critical gear.

The Zero G Deluxe Retrofit Combat Liner was designed to provide the ultimate in warfighter comfort and protection. With more pads than 4D Tactical's excellent Zero G Standard Kits, the Deluxe Retrofit Combat Liner offers complete coverage and eliminates hot spots of pad contact during extended wear. Covered in a heat and moisture-wicking NanoTech anti-microbial fabric, the liner draws perspiration away from your head and cools you through an evaporative process. And with compatibility with any helmet that uses Velcro-in padding, including the ACH/MICH/LWH designs, Crye Precision Airframe, and MTEK Flux Helmets, the Zero G Deluxe Retrofit Combat Liner is the perfect upgrade for any soldier looking for the ultimate in comfort and protection. Say goodbye to standard issue pads and experience the ultimate in comfort with the Zero G Deluxe Retrofit Combat Liner.


  • Manufacturer: 4D Tactical
  • Sizing: universal
  • Accomodates: ACH, MICH, LWH, Crye Precision, Ops-Core, MTEK, Revision, Gentex, BAE, United Shield, and others
  • Impact test: Independent Lab, DoD Testing: Meets/Exceeds ACH Impact Specification, USMC SMART-TE ACH Test
  • Materials: High, Medium Density Closed Cell Foam, Anti-Microbial, Thermal Regulating Fabric
  • Manufactured: USA – Berry Amendment 10 U.S.C 2533a Compliant

Additional Information

UPC 498798683251
Weight 1.00 LBS